SolanaVM integrates with several essential services to enhance functionality and expand capabilities:

Tracer API

The Tracer API, an extension for the SolanaVM Proxy, aids developers in testing, debugging, and comprehending the behavior of their smart contracts on SolanaVM. It provides a comprehensive trace of externality on any SolanaVM transactions executed on the Solana blockchain. The Tracer API enables:

More information on the Tracer API can be found in our detailed blog posts.

Development Tools

SolanaVM supports a variety of development tools to facilitate the creation and management of dApps, including:


SolanaVM is compatible with EVM wallets such as MetaMask’s. This compatibility enables dApp developers to sign deployment transactions and mint tokens securely and efficiently.

Integrate with MetaMask

This guide outlines the steps to integrate MetaMask into your dApp, enabling users to connect seamlessly to your dApp via the "Connect to SolanaVM" button. This process will facilitate a straightforward and user-friendly method for users to engage with your dApp through MetaMask.

This integration guide is designed for developers with proficiency in JavaScript.

Integrate with WalletConnect

WalletConnect is a protocol that offers a decentralized standard for connecting Web3 wallets and dApps. This guide provides a detailed, step-by-step process to set up a React or HTML dApp on SolanaVM using the Web3Modal SDK.

Web3Modal is a library designed to facilitate user connections to any dApp via the WalletConnect interface, enhancing user accessibility and interoperability.